Mommy and Daddy at my 2-day anniversary.


Sleeping and dreaming of... eh... what could I be dreaming of? I am only 20 hours old..


Let's see... I had lunch.. then I made poo, then I ate... then I slept... then I made poo, then I had a snack, made poo, slept... what am I forgetting here... oh yeah!! I wanna eat!!


Does this suit fit me? Maybe I should pick a bigger size... Goes well with the hat though...

Sooo tired! Those grown ups are crazy. They keep tapping me on the back, carrying me around, and flashing in my eyes with this stupid camera thingy. Now I know why they say the first three months are the hardest...


The dinner is yummy!!


Why is Mommy so tired?


Pretending to be asleep until those annoying grown ups go away...